Friday, September 22, 2006

Christian Values Found Lacking

Check out this guy's view of Christianity... (good discussion for Filter)


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's kinda intense....i did get that, but I don't necessarily understand the article itself. Too bad I can't make it to Filter next week.

Anonymous said...

That would be a good discussion. When you get past the initial "shock" value of the title and get to what he is trying to point out, he makes some good points. He doesn't point out the individual christian values of love, compassion, forgiveness, or Jesus Christ as or Lord & Savior as being bad, just that overall, a world largely dominated by chritianity for a significant period of time is not that much better of a place because of it, and that religious fanaticism, either christian or otherwise, is bad. I disagree on the better world argument in that compared to just 100 years ago, society as a whole is against prosecution due to a persons's race or religion. That alone makes the world a better place. And yes, fanaticism of any type is usually bad. You only have to look at Osama bin Landen, Hitler, and Fred Phelps as examples to prove that point. You could probably argue that religous fanaticism has hindered true christian values from making the world a better place. Happy discussing!!