Monday, November 27, 2006

Is This What Jesus Intended?

A topic for Filter...

Is what we know as church today really what Jesus had in mind when he sent out the disciples almost 2000 years ago? Are we doing a disservice to the work of Jesus and the disciples by commercializing church and making it into a business (if that is in fact what we are doing)? What say you internet world?


Anonymous said...

Good question. I think that some churches have definitely gone too far into the realm of being "corporate" but many have not. I am especially impressed by the home church movement that my parents are involved in. Personally, I think it's a great way to get back to the center of it all and not have to focus on keeping the "church" in "business".

Donna. W said...

No, I do not think Jesus intended so much money be spent on huge worship centers when people are hungry. And yet, would the Church survive without all that?

I get depressed when I think of it. But then, I got depressed this morning reading the beatitudes and noticing that I don't stack up too well.

This from your neighboring state, Missouri.