Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Creation and Evolution Can Co-exist?

Neo is a scientist who believes firmly in evolution, and at the same time he is a committed Christian who firmly believes in God's direct involvement in creation. The question that comes out of this is; is it possible to hold these beliefs and still be considered a Christian? Could it be that what we know as the 6 day creation story could be an allegory or perhaps that God did create all in 6 days (think outside of our concept of days) but somewhere in there evolution took place? I'm still working this one out in my own head. I definitely don't want to say that this is not possible because I don't want to place God in a box. But yet I also hold Scripture very highly and in reading the creation story, it doesn't appear to have room for evolution. I don't want to get into all the technical Creation vs. Evolution arguments. I just want to think about this in a way that opens our minds a little more to the possibility that maybe this could happen.


Anonymous said...

i've never been good at this one. up until now, i've always said that it's creation all the way, but idk.

Anonymous said...

I don't know for sure but I noticed that your uncle Rod kind of looks like a monkey.

Anonymous said...

i've been writing a post in my head for awhile now: why i am a creationist. i really need to get that out of my head and onto my blog. :)

of course, you already know my thoughts anyway.

Anonymous said...

Oddly enough, very few scientists in the field favor evolution anymore, and I'm not talking about just the Christians. The scientific evidence all points at cataclysmic events making major changes rapidly. I.e. evidence at Mt. St. Helens with the sudden flood caused by release of water made petrified wood and a canyon similar to the Grand Canyon on a smaller scale in a matter of hours. And the geologic evidence for a busted natural dam in SW Colorado is in place. As far as cataclysmic (wish I could spell that) events, nothing beats the Flood.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, if I'm the monkey, can I stil be the monkey's uncle?!!!

Alison said...

Ok, I know this is T.J.'s blog, but I would like to know to whom kevin is referring when he states that "very few scientists in the field favor evolution anymore." In my experience as an undergraduate and graduate student in biology at major universities in this country, I have found the opposite to be true. The theory of evolution is widely accepted and is the basis for all medical research in this country.