Friday, January 12, 2007

A Preface

Before I begin commenting on Brian McLaren's book A New Kind of Christian, I want to preface it by saying this......
This new postmodern way of thinking is very new to me. It has thrown a major twist into the way I think about Christianity. Please understand that the posts to come will simply be my way of sorting through some of the information I have been taking in over the past 6-9 months regarding postmodernity and the emerging movement. I welcome your thoughts, but let's keep this to a friendly and honest discussion rather than a heated debate. I'm sure that some of the thoughts and questions I present will bring out strong emotions based on the beliefs that are embedded within you either because you have wrestled with it yourself, grown up believing it because it was taught to you that way in Sunday School, or just because you know it's the truth. I encourage you to ponder this information and give it a chance. Then let's discuss it and discover what we can learn from McLaren as well as each other.

How I'm going to go about this...
In the back of the book is a reader's guide put together by Tim Keel, the pastor at Jacob's Well in Kansas City. (if you ever get the chance to go there, do it. it's a great community) I'm going to take some of the questions Tim asks in the reader's guide to help bring out the thoughts and questions I have about this book. Although I'm going to first try and define some terms McLaren uses throughout his book. So here goes...

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