I think it's important to define exactly what I'm referring to here when I write about traditional and contemporary worship. These are my definitions based on my own experience.
Traditional Worship - As I've mentioned before, I come from the United Methodist tradition although I would say that I never really participated in your "traditional" worship growing up. Being that I went to a small rural church who embraced guitars and open conversation during worship with the leaders, I have to turn to other experiences I've had with traditional worship. Here's what I include in traditional worship...
- Call to Worship
- Some sort of call and response
- Majority of the worship led by the lead pastor
- Music - organ or piano leading hymns out of the hymnbook
- Special music number by the choir or a church member
- 15-20 minute sermon
- 20-30 minutes of opening music led by a praise band (guitars, keyboard, drums)
- 30-45 minutes of sermon
- Use of technology including lyrics on screens and video
If I had my choice, I'm not sure I would choose either one of these styles as I've described them, however, since that's not how this series works, I'm going to choose one over the other. I choose contemporary. I find myself in a much more worshipful place when I participate in contemporary worship. The style of music and the order of worship just seems to bring me into the right heart and attitude for worshiping God. I'll take some time to explain my personal best way of worship in another post down the line.
I'm not bound by your rules, so I say if you're using these models, take the structure of the first, throw in better quality music and technology, and then you may have closer to a winner. :) Neither of them appeal to me as is.
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I'm one who prefers blended worship that takes the best from both traditional & contemporary worship styles as you defined them Todd. I think each person need to find what is the best way to worship for them & go with that. I also came from a small town church growing up & had simular experiences. As for Salina 1st UMC I prefer the 11 a.m. service for two reasons mainly & they are:
1) Me & Daniel like to sleep in on Sunday mornings
2) When we've gone to the 8:30 service it fells like it drags on for us eventhough both services usally take the same amount of time. It just seems to me people just go though the motions during that service instead of being a part where I see more of this in the latter service
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