Thursday, March 15, 2007

Death to Veggie Tales

It's very intriguing to discover all the different radio talk shows that exist on Christian radio when you're driving home in the evening. Usually I can find at least 3-4 FM stations that have some preacher or talk show host giving their latest sermon or political rant. This past Monday I was on my way home and stopped on a station that had this host who was going off on some issue that I remember saying to myself, "this guy needs to chill out," when all of the sudden he throws in his two cents about Veggie Tales. It seemed completely random at the time, so you know he has a bone to pick with Bob and Larry. All I can remember is that he was condemning Veggie Tales because the creators were using vegetables to portray real people of the Bible.

That was basically his point and I totally agree! Because we should be concerned that our children are watching vegetables pass on stories of the Bible instead of the rated "R" movies that elementary students are watching. We should fight against Larry Boy and forget about the television sitcoms that portray the good life as casual sex, exciting extramarital affairs, and moral relativity. We should lobby to ban all personified vegetables rather than do something to help those in Darfur who could care less about television because they are running from government killers. Death to Veggie Tales!!


P.R.JUST said...

I tried to tell your grandmother that broccoli, spinach, cauliflower and the like would kill me. Now it has been confirmed.

The talking heads might want to spend a little more time on the things that matter.

Anonymous said...

and i always thought those veggies were harmless and fun to watch

Tuffy said...

i just have one question to clarify your stance here...

oh, where is my hairbruuuuuuuuuush?

Anonymous said...

you just did a wonderful job of confusing me.