Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Versus: Static Electricity vs. Flies (last post)

For my last Versus post, I thought I would have a little fun in the opposite direction of all the other posts. This one pits two things I hate against each other. I'll determine which one I hate most.

I hate static electricity for this reason - it makes my shorts/pants stick to my legs. I hate it so much that I carry a can of static guard around in my gym bag when I go workout. The feeling of something clinging to my legs may be comparable to fingernails on a chalk board for some of you. Uck, I get squeamish just thinking about it.

I hate flies. The sound of them flying around my head in particular is what I really hate. I hate them so much that I have worked hard at becoming a proficient fly swatter. I pride myself on making sure no flies exist in my house. I've also found that it's good for my hand eye coordination. I'm currently working on hitting them in the mid air. My wife is impressed.

The winner of the last Versus post - Flies. I hate them with a passion! I think I could handle walking around with statically charged shorts longer than I could handle a fly buzzing around my head.

Thanks for reading along over the past few weeks. It's been a fun series. Wonder what's next...

1 comment:

Just Fam said...

You're the most amazing fly killer I've ever known honey :). My hero!