Thursday, February 05, 2009

What Should I Post About?

I just asked a buddy of mine what I should post about and he said "sex." I laughed, but then actually thought about it. However, I'm going to hold off for now on that topic and give you a chance to vote for what you want me to post about for those of you who actually still read this blog. Here are your choices...

  • Wild at Heart - the book I'm currently reading
  • Equipping the Church - moving from pastor/staff dependent to the body of Christ
  • New Men's Group - 7 guys who just started meeting together to grow as godly men
  • Being a Dad - reflections of what's it's like to have a kid
  • Michael Phelps Smoking Pot

I'll give you the weekend to vote and then I'll post the beginning of next week.


Anonymous said...

My vote is for "Being a dad" (Typical response from the grandma). Would also like to hear about your new men's group, as I believe the 2 men's groups in Leoti have been instrumental in the growth of men's leadership in our church and community - which has started the move from pastor dependent to being the body of Christ. Are the men you're meeting with from your church??
MLJ, alias Grammy

Alison said...

I agree with ML/Grammy, I would like you to blog about Being a Dad. But I will read your blog no matter what you write about :)

Anonymous said...

I'm also gonna vote for "Being a Dad." Of course I always like to hear how it's going with the family. But I would like to hear what you have to say about Mr. Phelps and his decision to smoke pot. I kinda have a feeling your comments would be interesting.
Uncle Kyle

Tuffy said...

I vote sex.

Anonymous said...

Todd- You and Daniel should talk about Wild at Heart sometime & see if you two could lead a study on this.